Lot Number


Lot Title

Lot Description




Gatzelakis Bourek line- for pie, wound layer production & cream-filled pastry

This line was manufactured in 2017, set up in the U.S., but never put into production. It is 110/220v, 3ph. This Machine for Pie, Wound Layer Production &amp; Cream-Filled Pastry is a fully automatic production line of various products with traditional layer. It includes an automatic oiling system for the product and also an automatic filling system.The machine is equipped with full electronic panel. The operation of the machine is handled by two touch screens and all the programs are stored separately for each product. The speed is scalable and it is equipped with PLC, electronic motors - inverters and a modem for a remote connection to the technical department of the company. First photos are when it was set up, later photos are as it is in our warehouse. Located at the Lines Equipment Warehouse, 625 South 27th Ave, Door #75, Phoenix, AZ 85009. https://gatzelakis.com/en/products/machine-for-pie,-wound-layer-production-cream-filled-pastry<br />




Mateks Standard Baklava line, w/ water chiller

This line was manufactured in 2017, set up in the U.S., but never put into production. It is 230/360v, 3ph. First photos are when it was set up, later photos are as it is in our warehouse. Located in the Lines Equipment Warehouse, 625 South 27th Ave, Door #75, Phoenix, AZ 85009. https://mateksmakina.com/all-mateks-products/standart-baklava-machine/<br />




Mateks Phyllo line/Yufka line (Turkish flatbread)

This line was manufactured in 2018, set up in the U.S., but never put into production. It is 380v, 3ph., Oven is nat gas, w/ hood. First photos are when it was set up, later photos are as it is in our warehouse. Located in the Lines Equipment Warehouse, 625 South 27th Ave, Door #75, Phoenix, AZ 85009. https://mateksmakina.com/all-mateks-products/phyllo-line-machine/<br />




HPS Sentenial G transformer

480v, 3ph in - 230/360v, 3ph out. Located in the Lines Equipment Warehouse, 625 South 27th Ave, Door #75, Phoenix, AZ 85009.<br />




Mateks Standard Baklava line, w/ water chiller- new in crates

This line was manufactured in 2019, and is 230/360v, 3ph. Located in the SAM Auctions Warehouse, 4111 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019. https://mateksmakina.com/all-mateks-products/standart-baklava-machine/<br />




Mateks Baklava cutting machine- new in crate

Manufactured in 2019, 230/360v, 3ph. The capacity of the baklava slicing machine is 10 trays per minute. The machine consists of two compartments with flat and diamond cutting apparatus. Located in the SAM Auctions Warehouse, 4111 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019. https://mateksmakina.com/product-category/baklava-machines/baklava-slicing-machines/<br />




Moffat Genesis Bakery System, model: Compact 724

The Genesis is a complete system for the production of sandwich bread, Vienna loaves, baguettes and rolls of all types and sizes. The system is fully automated with mixing, dividing, intermediate proving and moulding being carried out with a minimum of labor and floor space. The Genesis Bakery System mixes, divides and moulds a complete range of products with operators only required to weigh up ingredients prior to mixing. The system eliminates dough transfer or the need for bowl hoists. First photos are from original installation, later photos are the system in crates, where it has been sealed up for 10 years. Crates were just opened, so all parts should be inside. Located in the SAM Auctions Warehouse, 4111 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019. https://bakeryequipment.com/genUpload/1502909774_GENESIS_04AU.pdf<br />




Mateks Grater machine- new

for nuts, grains, veggies, etc. This offers various usage possibilities with different blade sets. In addition to classical grating, this grates in many sizes and shapes by means of different assemblies. Thus, even time-consuming and laborious vegetables such as zucchini and cucumber can be easily sliced. The parts can also be easily attached and removed in a simple way. This provides convenience when making meals and salads, and offers high hygiene efficiency with easy cleaning. Located in the SAM Auctions Warehouse, 4111 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019. https://mateksmakina.com/product-category/shredder-machines/<br />




FiMAK spiral mixer

m# SPM-80, s# 00095118032201, 208v, 3ph, mfg 2018. Located in the SAM Auctions Warehouse, 4111 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019. https://fimakmakina.com.tr/en/urun-sabit-kazanli-otomatik-spiral-mikser-spm-80-187-listesi.html<br />




Salvage Bros. traditional candy stove

m# 20B, s# 024403, nat gas. The #20 Gas Candy Stove is one of Savage Bros classic candy stoves that follows the traditional method of cooking. This product is made built-to last with its high-quality metal construction. Located in the Lines Equipment Warehouse, 625 South 27th Ave, Door #75, Phoenix, AZ 85009. https://savagebros.com/product-equipment/candy-stoves/20-gas-candy-stove/<br />




Cleveland gas-fired manual tilt skillet, 40 gal

w/ automatic spark ignition, nat gas. Located in the Lines Equipment Warehouse, 625 South 27th Ave, Door #75, Phoenix, AZ 85009.<br />


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